MEDESY dental articulator
- لمحاكاة حركة الفكين العلوي والسفلي للمريض والتي يتم إرفاق نماذج أو نماذج الفك العلوي والسفلي وفقًا لعلاقة بين الفكين مسجلة مسبقًا
- مُصنع من الألمنيوم المصبوب ، وزنه حوالي 400 جرام
- تفاصيل تقنية:
• فتح 125 درجة
• ميل لقمي ثابت بزاوية 30 درجة
• مسافة بين اللقمتين 110 ملم
• ميل قاطع للقاعدة بمقدار 10 درجات - To simulate the movement of a patient´s uper and lower jaws and onto which maxillary and mandibular casts or models are attached according to a pre-recorded intermaxillary relationship. To simulate all or part of the mandibular movements and is used for, e.g., examination, diagnosis, or to construct dental appliances. Manufactured in cast aluminium, about 400gr in weight. Projected and realized to ensure the largest visual field on the lingual surfaces as well as maintaining complete stability of the upper frame also at full open position: coiled springs facilitate the return to starting aligned position.
Technical details:
• Opening 125°
• Fixed condylar inclination of 30°
• Intercondylar distance of 110mm
• Incisal base inclination of 10°
• Bennet angle of 7°
• Distance between the mounting plates 85mm - made in italy